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Check out the impact Clinical Surveillance has brought to over 1100 hospitals across the nation!

Create Efficiencies of Care

Cut NHSN reporting time by 90%

“Clinical decision support technology is one of the most promising means for improving the quality and safety of healthcare, including winning the battle against HAIs. In addition to helping facilities filter vast sums of data in order to find actionable information, decision support technology makes it easier for facilities to participate and comply with initiatives such as the CDC’s NHSN.” 4

Download White Paper on NHSN Reporting

27% reduced median time to appropriate therapy

“Active alerting and intervention led to a decreased time to appropriate therapy (8 [interquartile range (IQR), 2–24] vs 14 [IQR, 2–35] hours; Pp.014) in patients with gram-negative bacteremia. After controlling for differences between groups, being in the intervention arm was associated with an independent reduction in length of stay (odds ratio [OR], 0.73 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.62–0.86]), correlating to a median attributable decrease in length of stay of 2.2 days.” 38,48

Link to full article from Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology opens in a new tab

Tampa General Hospital

QUOTE: We tracked patient consults with handwritten cards, recording basic lab values obtained on a day-to-day basis. We probably spent about 10 minutes per patient writing down the information. Now data are immediately available in TheraDoc and can be easily passed from one pharmacist to the next. Pharmacists now can spend that 10 minutes actually evaluating those numbers and making decisions related to them.15

Earnest Alexander PharmD, FCCM
Manager of Clinical Pharmacy Services

Download Case Study from Tampa General Hospital

Optimize Cost of Care

$1,469,907 incremental cost savings in first year

Prior to implementing a clinical decision support system (CDSS), Good Shepherd Medical Center clinicians struggled with obtaining and documenting the data needed to support clinical initiatives. Post implementation of TheraDoc’s clinical surveillance system, Good Shepherd’s clinical and staff pharmacists realized improved communication and knowledge among staff and improved relationships with medical staff, nursing, and case management. 7

Link to full article from Hospital Pharmacy opens in a new tab

80% reduction in bloodstream infection surveillance time

Johns Hopkins Hospital established that TheraDoc is a useful tool for infection prevention control programs through improved clinician efficiency and direct time savings while driving an indirect benefit of standardizing case findings. 2

32% fewer antibiotics prescribed inappropriately through randomized control trial

JAMA article measures the added value of CDSS (TheraDoc) when coupled with a community intervention to reduce inappropriate prescribing of antimicrobial drugs for acute respiratory tract infections. 8

LINK to JAMA. 2005;294(18):2305-14. opens in a new tab

Improve Patient Care

16% increase in identification of HAIs

In a validation study of manual surveillance vs automated surveillance, Hahnemann University Hospital found that surveillance using TheraDoc found 16% more cases than manual surveillance; “human error was thought to be a contributing factor to the missed cases; specifically, inconsistent free text case description in OR system and overlooked procedures during visual scan of printed OR system query).” 1

Download white paper on SSI surveillance.

Contributed to prevention of 261 ADEs

South Texas Veterans Healthcare System reports on their implementation of TheraDoc to improve efficiency of their infection control program and to develop and implement antimicrobial stewardship which resulted in improved patient outcomes, reduction in adverse events and antimicrobial costs and enhanced surveillance and tracking of MDROs. 29

LINK to Electronic Healthcare Vol.10 No.2 2011 article. opens in a new tab

Reduced infection-related mortality

Detroit Medical Center analyzed the impact of active alerting within TheraDoc coupled with intervention by stewardship pharmacists on the time to appropriate therapy among patients with gram-negative bacteremia. Secondary objectives included determining the impact of the alerting process on length of stay and the incidence of infection-related and 30-day mortality. 38,48

Link to full article from Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology opens in a new tab

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