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1. National Healthcare Safety Network
2. Infection Preventionist(s)
3. multidrug-resistant organism
4. Adverse Drug Event(s)
5. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
6. healthcare-associated infection
7. clostridium difficile
8. Antimicrobial Stewardship Program
9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
10. Infection Preventionist
11. electronic medication administration record
12. electronic medical record
13. electronic health record

REFERENCES: Please note cited results may vary by facility.

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70. Among 49 survey respondents, (38 pharmacists) conducted online 8/29/13-9/13/13. Individual data reported does not include those respondents who indicated no preference to either system, preference to a different system than EMR or TheraDoc, or who indicated utilizing no system.

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72 Carver, Robin (Manager, Strategic Clinical Initiatives – ITS Safety Solutions, Premier, Charlotte, NC). Email to Suzanne Rodriguez (Premier, Charlotte, NC). 2015 July 30. Testimonial provided during phone interview, release for publication 2015 August 3.

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